#BRMondays – Sydney by Kat Brewer

Published April 24th, 2017
Amazon Kindle: 297 Pages
Genre: Romance, Science Fiction

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A veteran combat nurse, Sydney’s Davis’ arrival on Jiva leaves her at the mercy of ruthless slavers from Ambria.
Saved by a powerful Warlord she finds herself in the household of his healer as plans for war are furthered. Keeping those around her in ignorance of her true identity, Sydney battles PTSD and the demons of her past as she struggles with the reality of her new world.

Frightened and alone, she discovers that there are other like her, other Portal Travelers. She makes her way to the headquarters camp of the allied nations that have gathered to depose the King of Ambria to find the other women like herself.
At first thought a spy, Sydney is soon welcomed by the women of Erla and Tayliss. Her skills as a combat nurse serve her well as she assists Veronica and the other healers as they treat the wounded.

As freedom rings for the men of Tayliss and Erla, there are those that are opposed to freeing their slaves, and the Queen of Tayliss must fight to keep her Throne, her life and the lives of her children.

Sydney’s journey takes her on an adventure she never could have imagined, and shows her the woman she can be.


I was very fortunate to be able to read this book in its early stages and comparing it to the final product, it’s just mind-blowing.

Being a fan of The Chronicles of Erla from the early beginnings of the series, I can say I liked Sydney story. She tied some knots for me and let other questions in her wake *smile softly*

I will advice you to read this series in order.

Now, at this point in the series I can say with honesty that I understand the world in which the story takes place, so world building it’s hardly necessary, except when you are thrown into some kind of war, right?

Sydney could not come to Jiva with worst timing, or at least that’s what I think and what she lived. There are so many beautiful things about this world but the poor woman only lives the bad experiences… not as bad as Eve with the Vardan King but… (if you have read the series you will get my point of reference)

I have loved to read how Sydney got to have her HEA. It was a long, dark, painful road and I would have crumpled many times in her place but she was a true warrior inside. She conquered her fears, she went after what she wanted and got it.

I don’t want to talk spoilers so I will keep this review short and sweet, because at this point, with the Seventh Book of a series well… almost anything is spoilery *laughs*

I do have to say that I remember why I put the book aside for a while after reading Veronica’s story… I get confuse with so many names of characters. The leads are no problem but with which slave corresponds to what lady and what soldier is that they have met and specially during the war part, I had troubles remembering who was who sometimes.

A little detail I always mention with this particular series is that since it’s set in another dimension, Kat Brewer writes it like an old story. What I mean by that is that sometimes you may encounter confusing words. Not many, mind you, but they will be there. It’s necessary for the way the books are written.

I’m eagerly waiting for Kat Brewer mention of a new book, in this series or another, I don’t care. I just want the woman to keep writing because she does it greatly.


I’m a Santa Cruz, CA native who now resides in rural South Alabama. In the grips of inspiration I can lose myself for days. I love to write stories with strong heroines that push past fear and insecurities and meet the challenges life throws at them.
I believe every woman has a fierce spirit within and that when we unite there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

The Chronicles of Erla: The Portal chooses the woman.

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