Book Review – Paying a Cuckold Husband’s Debts Series by Raven Merlot

Published November 11th, 2017
Print Length: 400 pages
Genre: Erotica, Interracial Erotica, BDSM Erotica

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My Review

I have mixed feelings when it comes to this book. I enjoyed it but at the same time, I got upset reading it. I hope you understand where I’m coming from in this review.

When I pick a book by Raven Merlot I know I’m in for a ride because the books are not only full of sex, because they are erotica, but also post dilemmas that I have to think about. Not all of her books are like that but the cuckold ones make me think.

In this particular case, we’re talking about the situation that a married couple is going through. Money was taken from the accounts, the husband is on the verge of panic because he always wants to be the provider and doesn’t want his wife to lack anything. This with the stress leads him to make some poor choices and land him in a situation that’s not ideal by any stretch.

The book develops, the plots thicken and things happen. There were particular moments where I really thought the husband was going to pull the plug and stop things but he didn’t. That made me feel bad because I was expecting him to put his wife over the money, time and time again, but he didn’t. At least, that’s how I saw it.

The other thing that did not fit was the unraveling at the end of the story. That moment in the book when you find out that… bites her tongue I don’t want to give spoilers but for me, it was not possible. That explanation did not make sense at all, for me. So much so, that it took me away completely from the story.

Like I said at the beginning, I enjoyed the book but the story did not have the continuous flow I was expecting. Due to the things mentioned above, I was taken out of the story and that interrupted my engagement, made me upset, even though it was just annoyance mostly.

I would still recommend this book to those that like to read cuckold stories because it was done really well overall. Just have into consideration you’re reading fiction and some things may seem a little unrealistic.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout.
After I got the ARC I bought the book on Kindle too.

About the Author

I write about cuckolding, kink, spanking, and whatever else excites me. I love connecting with my readers and try to respond to everyone. I’m at

My non-writing time is spent with my husband and son and being a part-time couples therapist. I never write about my patients but I do occasionally get inspired by them.

My books aren’t for everyone and I don’t take that personally. Read for yourself to find out!

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