Published November 11th, 2017
Print Length: 400 pages
Genre: Erotica, Interracial Erotica, BDSM Erotica

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Continue reading Book Review – Paying a Cuckold Husband’s Debts Series by Raven Merlot
Published November 11th, 2017
Print Length: 400 pages
Genre: Erotica, Interracial Erotica, BDSM Erotica
Continue reading Book Review – Paying a Cuckold Husband’s Debts Series by Raven Merlot
Published February 1st, 2019
Print Length: 425 pages
Genre: Dystopian Fiction, Science Fiction Romance, Romantic Fantasy, Alternate History
Continue reading ARC Review – Jake’s Redemption by Jamie Schulz
Published September 3rd, 2018
Print Length: 357 pages
Genre: New Adult, Inspirational, Romance
This book came into my Kindle with a warning and I’ll say it was justified. The warning looks a lot like the author’s note at the bottom of the blurb: Walk through the darkness and you will see the light. The story is raw, realistic, dark and I think for some people, it should come with a trigger warning.
I did not have a problem with the topics addressed in this book but I know of people that could have them. I’ll warn you beforehand. This story has drug abuse, female physical abuse, suicide attempt and deep emotional issues involving the loss of a son.
Lorelei has been through the wringer in life. She’s been dealt with a cold, hard hand and she couldn’t have reacted differently, at least I think she couldn’t, not with all the emotional pain she was carrying and concealing from the world. I felt her pain. This character was raw, felt realistic and touched my heart strings pretty much from the get-go until the end.
Fallon is a man of medicine but he’s also a man that has seen a lot in his line of work to know that some people are worth fighting for. He sees Lorelei for something that she was, in the beginning, but slowly he helps her build herself back up to become the amazing woman he knows she could be. His love and absolute conviction, just as his willingness to stay at her side no matter how many times she falls down the rabbit hole… that man is precious.
The character development in this book was absolutely incredible. I do have to say that at some point Lorelei seemed to act mean for the sake of being mean to me, or even annoying when she yelled at Fallon, but when you put that into context, and you put yourself in her shoes… it fits almost perfectly.
Writing wise I have no complaints what so ever. I did not find any mistakes on my copy of the book or maybe I was just so engrossed that I didn’t even notice them, which is a testament of the story quality and author’s ability if that was the case.
I would recommend this book if you want a taste of the harsh realities of someone’s life while they look for a reason to keep living. I would also recommend you read this book with a box of tissues close by.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout.
Published April 24th, 2017 by Entangled: Amara
Print Length: 292 pages
Genre: Romantic Comedy, Romance
I’ve read this book a few months ago and just now posting this review but it still stands. I went to check it again before hitting publish because I wanted to be sure. I can tell you that I remembered why I liked this story with just a few notes here and there from my Kindle app.
As personal buffers go Clover Lee is the best I’ve seen in a book at this point in my life. She’s hilariously funny and even when she makes mistakes, she does it with style. Her awkwardness clicked with me somehow.
Sawyer Carlyle is the owner of an international company but he’s scared of his mother and her tactics. I know the feeling so I could empathize with him when my mother gets an idea there is no way to deter her… normally.
The plot of the story had some ups and downs when it came to being realistic. I know this is a fiction romance book but I like some realistic aspects to it.
I have no complaints about the writing because I did not look or saw any blatant mistakes there. The story flow was good and I liked the level of detail that Avery Flynn used in this book.
When it comes to the sex scenes, because this book has them, they are not for everybody because of the level of details that the author uses is very high. If you don’t enjoy that kind of writing on steamy scenes, I don’t know what to tell you, maybe skip the sex? But where’s the fun in that?
All that being said, I would recommend you to give this book a try. I laughed a lot and have to use the AC a lot while reading this story. Maybe you can find the fun in its pages like I did.
USA Today bestselling romance author Avery Flynn has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip.
She fell in love with romance while reading Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory books. It wasn’t long before Avery had read through all the romance offerings at her local library. Needing a romance fix, she turned to Harlequin’s four books a month home delivery service to ease the withdrawal symptoms. That worked for a short time, but it wasn’t long before the local bookstore’s staffs knew her by name.
Avery was a reader before she was a writer and hopes to always be both. She loves to write about smartass alpha heroes who are as good with a quip as they are with their *ahem* other God-given talents. Her heroines are feisty, fierce and fantastic. Brainy and brave, these ladies know how to stand on their own two feet and knock the bad guys off theirs.
Published May 24th, 2018
Print Length: 280 pages
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Shapeshifters, Dragons, Science Fiction, Aliens, Fantasy
Since I picked one of Ruby’s books some time ago, I’ve been a die-hard fan of her Ice Planet Barbarian series. This book belongs to a spin-off series called IceHome that feature some of my beloved characters from the other series.
Veronica is a clumsy female that was abducted from earth to be sold as a slave but before she got to be one, she was set free on an ice freezing cold planet. She thought nothing of herself, she believes there was nothing special about her, but when she got her khui… Oh, she was more special than she could have thought.
Ashtar was a dragon shifter from another planet, abducted when he was eight to be sold as a slave and became a gladiator. He knew no freedom during his life, no friendship, no trust, no nothing, only fighting in the Arena and if he lost, he died. When his khui resonated with Veronica he couldn’t have been happier because she already was on his radar as soon as he woke up. But having a human mate was not easy and a compromise was necessary, and he wasn’t used to that.
To think that I was stolen from my planet to be a gladiator and somehow ended up with the finest mate in three worlds… I am beyond lucky. This is a good life. ~ Ashtar
Do I have to explain to you how much I love this couple? It was so much fun to forget normal boring human life (mine) and got into an ice planet with a mighty dragon as a mate. I love to see the growth and development of Veronica each day that she was with him alone, away from the tribe.
I know these books are fantasy but how they get to solve their problems can be so relatable. The struggles Ashtar went through, to be honest with his mate. The way Veronica had to adapt to his moods and behaviors. How he got to grow as a male by making friends and learning to do things for his mate.
Somehow being in a deserted planet, even a fantasy one, makes you see how many things we take for granted on a day to day basis. Other stories make this too but Veronica’s Dragon was beautiful to read and to get lost in.
For those of you that know the author and the other series, Ashtar is a drakoni like the dragons in the Fireblood Dragons series but according to the author, he was raised completely differently so he does not behave exactly like them.
She needs me to go slow. She needs time to adjust to this bond between us. She__
She is grabbing my cock… ~ Ashtar
Also, in case you haven’t notice… most of the books I read have sex scenes in them and this is not an exception to that rule *big grin*
I strongly recommend you to pick this book up. You don’t need to read the previous ones or other series because this stands on its own but I can assure you, it won’t be long before you’re reading the rest to get to know beautiful characters.
Ruby Dixon loves to write sexy, dirty things. Right now she’s obsessed with dirty aliens. She’s also dabbled in dirty bikers, dirty bears, and well, just dirty things in general.
Published July 19th, 2015
Print Length: 352 pages
Genre: Women’s Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Women
Continue reading #BRMondays – Life After Joe by Ann Benjamin
Title: Captive Beauty
Author: Natasha Knight
Genre: Dark Romance
Release Date: January 24, 2018
Continue reading #Releaseblitz + Giveaway – Captive Beauty by Natasha Knight