#BookRelease – Refrain by Kennedy Ryan is Live!

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Complete Soul Series Release Week Sale! All three books on sale for 99¢!

Amazon Link



People dream of a love that runs deep. So deep it feels like it’s always been with you, just waiting for the person who’ll own your heart and soul forever. So few ever find it, but for Rhyson Gray and Kai Pearson, happily ever after was only the beginning…

One of the biggest rock stars in the world and one of the brightest rising stars make a life together. Sometimes it’s glamour-filled days and blissed out nights, but it’s mostly staying true in the too-bright glare of the spotlight. It’s long stretches where the road is lonely and the work is hard. It’s living in a love that’s the safest place you know even while danger lurks at your door.

Book 3 of The Soul series is an emotionally-charged epic conclusion that had to be told and should not be missed for fans of this series and this couple!


Catch up on books 1 & 2! They MUST be read before REFRAIN!

Amazon ➔ myBook.to/MySoulToKeep

Book #1 ➔ Audible ➔ Goodreads

Amazon ➔ myBook.to/DownToMySoul

Book #2 ➔ Audible ➔ Goodreads

* Buy Signed Paperbacks

Sexy woman with glass of wine

REFRAIN Spotify Playlist!


Concert crowd, hands up, toned

Go to Kennedy’s Facebook Author Page to enter!


I just can’t write about myself in third person for one more bio! I’m a wife, a mom, a writer, an advocate for families living with autism. That’s me in a nutshell. Crack the nut, and you’ll find a Southern girl gone Southern California who loves pizza and Diet Coke, and wishes she got to watch a lot more television. You can usually catch me up too late, on social media too much, or FINALLY putting a dent in my ever-growing TBR. I love to hear from readers at kennedyryanwrites@gmail.com.

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#CoverReveal ~ Refrain by Kennedy Ryan

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goodreads-badgeWanna be notified as soon as REFRAIN goes live? Leave your email HERE It’s a one-time email, and doesn’t sign you up for the monthly newsletter.

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People dream of a love that runs deep.
So deep it feels like it’s always been with you, just waiting for the person who’ll own your heart and soul forever. So few ever find it, but for Rhyson Gray and Kai Pearson, happily ever after was only the beginning…

One of the biggest rock stars in the world and one of the brightest rising stars make a life together. Sometimes it’s glamour-filled days and blissed out nights, but it’s mostly staying true in the too-bright glare of the spotlight. It’s long stretches where the road is lonely and the work is hard. It’s living in a love that’s the safest place you know even while danger lurks at your door.

Book 3 of The Soul series is an emotionally-charged epic conclusion that had to be told and should not be missed for fans of this series and this couple!

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She slides onto me, a scalding clasp of flesh. That first thrust steals our breath at the same time, pounds our hearts together, twines our souls into one accord. Rising, falling, she milks me with tight, shallow pumps, her movements barely perceptible, but rippling through me. She captivates me with the tiniest undulation of her hips and takes me so deep I’m sure I’ll come out on the other side of her.

Her nails claw into my scalp, stirring a sharp pain into the bliss. She digs her fingers into my shoulders, gripping to hold on as I thrust into this tight, slick fantasy. I piston up and into her with enough force to break her, but she clutches me.Clings to me.

I don’t want to come. I want to fuck her infinitely. If I could seal us in this moment, preserve it in amber, I would. I’m not just inside her body. We inhabit each other’s souls. And this thing watering her eyes, clogging my throat, clamping my chest, it’s more than emotion, more than a feeling that could fail or flee. It’s the most precious thing I’ve ever had. If this is light, it’s blinding until she is all I see. If this is sound, it’s music. We are the verse, we are the chorus. And as we come together, her cries harmonizing with mine, this love resounds. It’s loud; so deafeningly loud that all I hear is her. And all she hears is me. We are our own refrain.

Catch up on the Series!

Start with Book 1. Free in KU!

**Amazon Top 100 Bestselling Series**



*Join the MY SOUL TO KEEP read along that starts August 3!*

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Go to Kennedy’s Author Page for the chance to win one of (5) Amazon Gift Cards!


I just can’t write about myself in third person for one more bio! I’m a wife, a mom, a writer, an advocate for families living with autism. That’s me in a nutshell. Crack the nut, and you’ll find a Southern girl gone Southern California who loves pizza and Diet Coke, and wishes she got to watch a lot more television. You can usually catch me up too late, on social media too much, or FINALLY putting a dent in my ever-growing TBR. I love to hear from readers at kennedyryanwrites@gmail.com.

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[Book Review] Down To My Soul by Kennedy Ryan

Down To My Soul

by Kennedy Ryan

Soul Series – Book #2

Kindle Edition: 318 pages

Published: March 31st 2016 by Kennedy Ryan

Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance

AmazoniBooks * Goodreads

Synopsis (From Goodreads)


She doesn’t wear my ring.
We never stood before a preacher.
The only vows exchanged were between our bodies; between our souls.
But she was mine and I was hers until I ruined it. I have to believe that every day, every step, every breath brings me closer to making things right.
To making her mine again.


I’ve seen promises broken.
I know love makes no guarantees.
But things were different for Rhys and me, until he lied, and I walked away. Only there’s a chain between our hearts that I can’t break. Even if I forgive him, a shadow from my past hangs over us; over this love that reaches all the way down to my soul. Continue reading [Book Review] Down To My Soul by Kennedy Ryan

Excerpt Reveal ~ Down To My Soul by Kennedy Ryan

DTMS Excerpt Reveal. Bannerjpg

Today we have a sneak peek of Down to My Soul, Book 2 of Kennedy Ryan’s Soul Series! If you haven’t read Book 1, My Soul to Keep, make sure you catch up before the March 31 release!And don’t miss the giveaway accompanying the excerpt!

If you HAVE NOT read My Soul to Keep, find the Giveaway & read the first three chapters HERE.

For those who HAVE read My Soul to Keep and are waiting for Down to My Soul, find the Giveaway & Excerpt HERE!

Passion sprinkles




Cover Reveal ~ Down to my Soul by Kennedy Ryan (Soul Series)

Cover Reveal Banner DTMS


We are so pleased to bring you the cover for DOWN TO MY SOUL,

the much-anticipated sequel to MY SOUL TO KEEP!

Pre-Order DOWN TO MY SOUL on iBooks for Special Release Price – 99¢!

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She doesn’t wear my ring. We never stood before a preacher. The only vows exchanged were between our bodies; between our souls. But she was mine and I was hers until I ruined it. I have to believe that every day, every step, every breath brings me closer to making things right. To making her mine again.


I’ve seen promises broken. I know love makes no guarantees. But things were different for Rhys and me, until he lied, and I walked away. Only there’s a chain between our hearts that I can’t break. Even if I forgive him, a shadow from my past hangs over us; over this love that reaches all the way down to my soul.


Click here to be notified AS SOON as DTMS is live on all platforms!

Add DOWN TO MY SOUL TO Goodreads



Make sure to read Book 1, MY SOUL TO KEEP, first!

Available for the First time EVER on all platforms!

Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo

Read the first THREE Chapters Free!

My Soul to Keep FOR WEB


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About Kennedy Ryan

I just can’t write about myself in third person for one more bio! I’m a wife, a mom, a writer, an advocate for families living with autism. That’s me in a nutshell. Crack the nut, and you’ll find a Southern girl gone Southern California who loves pizza and Diet Coke, and wishes she got to watch a lot more television. You can usually catch me up too late, on social media too much, or FINALLY putting a dent in my ever-growing To Be Read list! I love to hear from readers at kennedyryanwrites@gmail.com.

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