Hello again my great reader friends!
How did you enjoy last week Book Review? Did you pick up Kelly Elliott’s book? Did you leave a comment? *wiggle her eyebrows*
This time I have another Book Review, for the Week #03 draw of the 2015 Reading Challenge from the great Spice Up Your Reading jar 🙂
The premise was reading An Anthology and like the good, crazy ass girl I am, I picked an erotic book to read *lick her lips* And just let me tell you, I did NOT regret my decision.

Four Play by Maya B. & Shayla B.
Anthology (2 short stories)
Erotic Romance Menage Anthology published October 5th, 2010
Synopsis (From Goodreads)
In Pillow Talk by Maya Banks, Zoe is a woman in a committed relationship with her boyfriend Chase. Then one night, Chase reveals his number-one fantasy, which involves his two best buddies. Is Zoe game? She sure is, because it opens the door for a secret fantasy all her own.
In Shayla Black’s Her Fantasy Men, a girly-girl named Kelsey plays football, craves action movies, and loves knocking back a cold beer with her three best friends-all male. Yet she’s never seemed sexually interested in any one of these hot guys. So what does Kelsey want? A fantasy come true for all four of them.
My thoughts on Pillow Talk (Story #1)
I have no words to describe how much I loved this story. I was honestly speechless when I was done with this short erotic romance and the way that I felt it was the thing that shocked me the most.
Leaving aside the fact that it was utterly HOT… I felt like… This girl I could totally relay too in the way that if my life was different and I was in another’s womans body… Like hers for example… This was something that could have happen to me.
A boyfriend open to explore your darkest, kinkiest fantasies with you but that even when he fulfill your crazy ass sex fantasy he is taking care of you, protecting you, making sure everything goes well for you and that you are safe and happy? Damn! I want some of that please!
AND add to the mix two hot best friends that love you like no other could and are willing to work with you boyfriend to be with you too? There is something better than that?!
My thoughts on Her Fantasy Men (Story #2)
This story has a little bit more fantasy in it than the one before but I still enjoy it fully. Also I have to say that the way Shayla Black writes it’s as much erotic as you could hope it to be girls… Oh and the men *big sigh* Holy crap the men…
I mean… Come on… You can’t really have your firefighter neighbor, your cowboy best friend from childhood and your boss all having the hots for you at the same time, can you? And if you ever did, I envy you with every single fiber of my body.
I can see the troubles in having three hot and oh so different men trying to have you all to themself but the fact that the end of this story was like it was… Oh-My-Freaking-God!
Written in a way that was really good, with no mistaking the situations and the reasons behind the action of every character. I have to say that Shayla Black made a great job with this story. Which I will be re-reading… A LOT!
Do I recommend this book?
I was more than excited when I finished this book. I was high with a dose of erotic so good as I have not felt in a long, long time.
If you like a story where you could easily dream yourself into the shoes of the main female character, loved and fucked by three of the most amazingly gorgeous, attentive and great lovers on earth. So you end up having them as your partners for the rest of your life in your dreams. Pick this book up!!

Four stars it’s my rating for this book in general. The two stories where great and this is one for my “Re-Read books list” without a moment of doubt. This two authors are amazing at what they do and I pretty much-loved their work. Maya Banks surprise me with her story and Shayla Black… well… If you like erotic novels, you should have at least heard of her somewhere, right? I sure did 🙂
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Continue reading [Book Review] Four Play by Maya Banks and Shayla Black