#BRMondays – El Cuento de la Bestia by Noa Xireau (Spanish)

INFO: This Review Is In SPANISH

(There Is an English Version HERE)


Published November 8, 2016 by Amazon Digital Services LLC
Amazon Kindle: 373 Pages
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Vampire, Romantic Erotica, Spanish


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Convertirse en regalo para un todopoderoso rey de otra dimensión, que creía que podía hacer con ella lo que le diera la gana, no era precisamente el cuento de princesas con el que Anabel había soñado desde niña. Claro que tampoco había esperado nunca encontrarse a un atractivo vampiro aguardándola impaciente en su cama.

En el momento en que una hermosa humana —más desvestida que vestida— le vomitó encima, Azrael supo que el regalo de Neva traía gato encerrado. Necesitaba descubrir por qué la bruja le había regalado una humana encantada que le hacía querer olvidarse de todo excepto de tenerla entre sus brazos. Completamente seguro de que con sus siglos de disciplina como rey, resistirse a una mujer encantada no iba a suponerle problemas, solo necesitaba seguirle el juego a ella y a Neva para descubrir dónde estaba la trampa que le habían puesto.

Fácil, ¿verdad?

Demasiado fácil, quizás.

Continue reading #BRMondays – El Cuento de la Bestia by Noa Xireau (Spanish)

#BRMondays – El Cuento de la Bestia by Noa Xireau (English)

INFO: This Review Is In ENGLISH

(There is a Spanish Version HERE)


Published November 8, 2016 by Amazon Digital Services LLC
Amazon Kindle: 373 Pages
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Vampire, Romantic Erotica, Spanish


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Becoming a gift to an all-powerful king of another dimension, who believed he could do with her whatever he wanted, was not exactly the story of princesses that Anabel had dreamed of as a child. Of course, she had never expected to meet an attractive vampire, waiting for her impatiently in his bed.

The moment a beautiful human -more undressed than clothed- threw up on him, Azrael knew that the gift of Neva had a cat in the bag. He needed to find out why the witch had given him an enchanted human that made him want to forget everything except holding her in his arms. Completely sure that with his centuries of discipline as King, resisting an enchanted woman was not going to pose problems, he just needed to follow the game and find out where Neva’s trap was.

Easy, right?

Too easy, perhaps.

(This is my own translation with Google’s help.
The original Synopsis on Goodreads is in Spanish)

Continue reading #BRMondays – El Cuento de la Bestia by Noa Xireau (English)

[Book Review] Spanish Christmas by Noa Xireau

Spanish Christmas

by Noa Xireau

(Stand Alone)

Kindle Edition: 68 pages

Published: December 7th 2015 by Ellora’s CAVe

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance

Amazon * Kobo * Goodreads

Synopsis (From Goodreads)

When Stella accepted Armando Gonzalez’s invitation to spend her holidays at his hacienda in Spain, she expected the kinkiest Christmas ever and an opportunity to make him fall in love with her sexy curves. Nobody had warned her about Armando’s hot, yummy brothers, the possibility of receiving a few nice spankings, or the risk of losing her heart when she took the Gonzalez brothers up on their crazy bet.

With Armando, Ivan and Carolos making her melt in steaming need, it wasn’t Santa who’d make her naughtiest wishes come true on Three Kings Eve.

Reader Advisory: This story has graphic sexual language and scenes—no closed bedroom doors (or other rooms) here! Continue reading [Book Review] Spanish Christmas by Noa Xireau